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What is amplify Energy Corp (Ampy) stock price?

Over the past 5 years, Amplify Energy Corp.’s stock price has decreased by 20.81%. Amplify Energy Corp.’s stock price is currently approximately $6.17. View more of Amplify Energy Corp.’s past performance. A high-level overview of Amplify Energy Corp. (AMPY) stock.

Who is Amplify Investments?

Amplify Investments is based out of Lisle. Amplify Investments is a large advisory firm with 17 clients and discretionary assets under management (AUM) of $3,538,489,207 (Form ADV from 2022-09-06). Whalewisdom has at least 1 13F filings AMPLIFY INVESTMENTS, LLC filed under a combined 13F through TOROSO INVESTMENTS, LLC for 12/31/2022

How do I view Ampy stock quotes?

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